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Today is officially my first day back at work!  I actually didn't think I'd find time to write my blog this week because I've been so busy trying to get ready for my return to the class room.  I've also been fighting a cold all week which is why I decided to write about "storytime" - we've had a lot this week!  It's funny how your children can sense when you're feeling stressed...not only can they sense it, they also start to respond to your behaviour.  As a result, we've had several meltdowns this week which lead to a lot of cuddles on the couch - and lots of good books!

Growing up, I was never a true reader...and I've never really understood the concept of getting "lost" in a book.  My mother would say to me, "If you only read half as much as you do arts and crafts, you could be the next Prime Minister".  Perhaps there was some truth to what she said but regardless ,  I went on to read several hundred books in University, became a teacher, a mother and a dedicated artist in my spare time.  Today, I still don't consider myself a reader... I'd rather be running, than lying in bed with a good book any day.  However, as a teacher and parent I recognize the invaluable gift of reading with your children.  But knowing this and showing this are two different things - fostering this love of reading requires a little effort on your part, as the parents. 

I started creating our first son's library months before he was born.  As a teacher, I had access to several books at very affordable prices.  I was sure to stock up.  I also asked  guests at my baby shower to kindly bring a book, rather than a card of congratulations.  All my guests welcomed this idea with enthusiasm and included small messages to Hudson in their book of choice.  We've continued over the years to ask guests at birthday parties and other celebrations to give a book in lieu of a card..  This is one way we have built a beautiful library for all of our children to enjoy!  There are so many creative ways of making this request but here are a two I really love:

It's never too early or late to begin!

I started reading to Hudson and all my children for that matter, before they were even born!  I must say,  I looked a little funny reading "Dr. Seuss" to my growing belly and even my husband would get a good chuckle watching me, but it made me feel better knowing he or she could hear my voice every evening. My husband and I continued reading to all our children as soon as they were born.  As infants they often fell asleep listening to the long stories we would read, and as they got older and became more active, we started reading books that were more interactive.  Board books, soft chewable books and rhythm books are always a good choice for infants...especially once they're teething and on the move!  Rhythm books are great for infants who are yet to understand the intricacies of language.  As they get older, it's so important to provide reading material that reflects their interests.  For example my oldest son loves any books that have to do with LEGO, while my daughter enjoys the Pinkalicious series of books - her favourite colour is of course PINK!  ...and our little one, baby Jack enjoys any book that is safe enough to chew!

Always read in comfort!

Providing your child with a comfortable, quiet space of their own is a must!  This can be a chair, their bed or a small corner in their playroom with comfy pillows and blankets.  You don't have to spend a lot to make this space unique.  Using things you already have in your home is ideal and also the most affordable way, but if you choose to spend a little money check out some of these great ideas I found on Pinterest:

I'm very excited my grandfather has decided to buy baby Jack a little teepee for his bedroom.  I've always wanted to try building one but haven't found the time.  After doing a little research, we've decided to buy one from Restoration Hardware (  They have so many to choose from, but here's an image of what we're hoping to get for him:

My girlfriend found one from Masterminds (which I love!) -  and such a great price!  But unfortunately it only comes in pink:

The more the better...

Not always a good motto to live by but when it comes to books, experts agree - the more reading material you have available, the more your children will learn to value reading.  I don't remember the last time I walked into my daughter's room and saw her comforter or floor for that matter!  Her bed is always covered in books...she only leaves a little space for herself to sleep.  Every night I go into her room and move the books away from her face - she prefers to sleep on her books, she doesn't even need a pillow!  I actually had to clean off her bed to take some pictures of her and her brothers reading with my mom -ha!  My older son shares her passion but he is much more organized with his book collection.

The answer lies within...

My hubby and I decided 2 years ago that technology could wait...our children will most likely spend their entire lives being exposed to ever changing  technology so in our home it's used only minimally (for now).  When ours kids ask questions we encourage and teach them how to find the answers in their libraries.  We also try to lead by example which means we try to refrain from internet and cell phone use while spending time with our children - which explains why I'm a night hawk (I'm always on the computer!)

Making time...

Not always an easy task for today's busy families but invaluable if you prioritize this reading time.  For some families that might be before bed and naps, others may prefer the use of "quiet times" or "DEAR" time - drop everything and read!  Regardless of when and where you decide to read with your children, making time to read is truly one of the most precious gifts you can give you child.

On occasion in the evening just after we've said our goodnights, I'll stand in the upstairs hallway of our home and just the sounds of my children reading.  It always amazes me, how much they can absorb through our storytimes together.  Although they are far from reading every word, they carefully recite the story page by page, then quietly drift off to sleep.  Reading opens up a world of imagination and ignites a child's creativity!  I listen to my children and realize...that's what it means to get "lost in a book" - it truly is one of the richest gifts my husband and I have given them!

Happy reading Everyone!  ...and wish me luck today!  Next week I'll be sharing some of my thoughts on returning to work after baby #3!


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