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Showing posts from August, 2017

Girls Day

It's been a while since my last blog but with school just around the corner I feel like we haven't had a moment to spare.  It's been go, go, go trying to get everyone ready for the new school year.  Last week was a special oldest son was at hockey camp and my hubby had a surprise day off.  It was perfect timing considering I had a doctor's appointment and tons of errands to run.  Thankfully my two year old got to stay home with daddy, while I took both girls out on the town.   After my doctor's appointment we stopped for lunch, then we headed to Yorkdale for girls day.  My four year loves going to mall and unfortunately I think she has inherited my passion for shopping...daddy is not too impressed -ha!  We spent the afternoon trying on clothes, accessories and enjoying some yummy treats.  We managed to spend all of my birthday money and came home with a little something for everyone.  By the end of the day the girls were so tired, they both fell fas

Flying High

    This past week we had the opportunity to go parasailing.  My hubby and I had both tried it in the past, so he was hesitant to spend the money again...I on the other hand was eager to give it another go.  In fact, I managed to encourage some friends of ours to join us.  It was truly the perfect day to go, blue skies for miles, very little wind and even the water was warm enough to get dipped!    My hubby watched from the shore while he stayed with our younger two kids.  Our older two decided to join me on the boat.  Then suddenly my 4 year old daughter decided to announce she was going to join me in the sky.  At first I was little unsure if that was a good idea, but somehow she convinced me it was a great idea.  Before I knew we were flying high, 400 feet above Balsam Lake.  The views were spectacular and the company was even better.  I wish I had brought a camera, but instead my son took some great photos from the boat.  I was rather impressed with his photography skills

Our Civiv Holiday Weekend

Last weekend we had such a blast with family and friends.  It was go, go, go right until Monday evening when we arrived home just in time for the season finale of the Bachelorette ...mommy's idea of the perfect ending to our wonderful holiday weekend.  But unfortunately none of us were ourselves this week.  I was was feeling extremely rundown and so were the kiddies.  I guess we tried to squeeze a little too much into 3 days...even I'll admit that (and normally I don't like to miss out on anything!).  Regardless, the memories we made and the adventures we had made it all worthwhile. The weekend began with a surprise visit from my brother and his girlfriend (she's definitely a keeper bro).  I say surprise because we only found out a few days prior that they were arriving.  We had one day to spend with them so we decided to make the most of it.  We visited the market, had lunch with my mom, went swimming (in the hot tub -ha!), enjoyed a fabulous dinner made by my b

A Month of Firsts and Lasts...

Irelynn was 1 month old this past week.  She went to the doctor for her 1 month checkup and weighed in at 8 pounds 2 ounces, which put her in the 25th percentile for weight.  Aside from what the stats tell us we see this happy little baby who never cries but loves to be held.  She has no visible eyebrows or eyelashes but was born with the darkest hair when compared her to her siblings.  She's now officially bald on top of her head but I think that just makes her cuter.  She's all of sudden so aware of her surroundings and fascinated by all the hanging lights in our home.  She doesn't go crossed eyed as often but I must admit I love it when she does because she just looks so darn cute.  She loves falling asleep on her big brothers and big sister, and I'm thankful for her ability to fall back asleep on her own (especially in the middle of her night).  She had her first session in the baby carrier yesterday and absolutely loved it...I can hardly wait to take her for