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Showing posts from July, 2017

Our First Family Photos

Irelynn is 4 weeks old's crazy to think she's already been with us almost one month!  When she was just over two weeks old our good friend Tim Smith who owns shutterhead PHOTOGRAPHY arrived at our home on a Sunday morning for an impromptu family photoshoot.  I use the word 'impromptu' because that's honestly what it was.  We literally made the arrangements only a few days prior because I hadn't planned on doing newborn photos or family ones for that matter until Irelynn was a little older...that all changed when she arrived on Canada Day. As many of you know Canada Day is also our wedding anniversary so when our little girl decided to make her appearance on that same day, we were beyond excited.  Months ago I had saved a photo on Pinterest of a newborn baby sleeping on her mother's wedding dress and I recall thinking at the time, how special and significant it would be if we took a similar photo, especially if her birthday was the same

Our First Family Outing

When Irelynn was only one week old we headed north to Blue Water Beach, located on the shores of Georgian Bay.  Every summer my hubby's Uncle rents a cottage in the area and every year we look forward to joining his family and spending some quality time up north together.  For our children it's always been a highlight of their summer and this year I was so worried we wouldn't have the opportunity to visit. One of my biggest concerns about the new baby arriving was making sure our other three children would still have a great summer.  As exciting as having a new little sister can be, I knew the excitement would eventually wear avoid this I made a point of trying to keep our summer plans as normal as possible.  This means staying home in my pyjamas all day is not an option.  Instead we packed up the car with all 4 kids and headed out on our first adventure as a family of six. It took a lot of planning and preparation but it was so worth it.  We had an absolu

Welcome Irelynn Grace

SECONDS AFTER BIRTH AND THE FIRST TIME I HELD HER   Irelynn Grace arrived on Canada's 150th Birthday.  Jordan and I will officially be sharing our Wedding Anniversary with our little girl for the rest of our lives.  July 1st of this year also marked our 5th Anniversary as husband and wife and while we didn't have time this year to acknowledge the celebration, we instead were blessed with the most precious gift...our second baby girl. Looking back over the past year, even before I became pregnant there were so many thoughts running through my mind in regards to having a fourth child.  After one of my best girlfriends and her husband welcomed their 3rd child on Canada Day last year, I often thought to myself how perfect that would be if it ever happened to us.  At the time I wasn't even pregnant so I knew the chances of it happening were slim to say the least.  Fast forward a few months and we were overjoyed to find out that we were expecting our 4th...and to make