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Showing posts from January, 2017

Expanding our taste buds

My little Sous-Chef...always helping mommy in the kitchen A few weeks ago I decided to get a little creative in the kitchen and try a new recipe each night of the week.  I think what motivated me was all the crazy cravings I've been experiencing this pregnancy.  For the first time in a couple years I've been inclined to choose all the foods I try to stay away from when I'm not expecting...basically I've been craving salty, processed crap and the worst part - I've been turned off by my all my favourites (especially vegetables!).  Of course I've made some appropriate accommodations - for example: stuff a handful of spinach and other greens into my morning smoothie), then try not to think about it as I gulp it down...then there was the day I ate 7 eggs and justified by saying they were organic -ha!  At the end of the day, I've tried to be a little more laid back in regards to what foods I'm's only 9 months -right?  Allowing myself to 

Soon to be a family of 6 (plus a really big dog)

  I'm sure the picture says it all...we are expecting our 4th child this summer, just in time hopefully for our 5th wedding anniversary.  I've literally been waiting months to make this announcement but the timing never seemed right.  In the past my hubby and I have always been eager to share the exciting news with family and friends, but this time was different. As many of you know, I have always wanted to try for a family of hubby on the other hand was quite content with 3 and the thought of 4 was a topic we often avoided. Regardless, I never lost hope.  I used every means possible to justify my thinking and in the end I knew my husband would never regret a 4th child, but I knew I would forever regret it if we didn't try.  That being said, I felt as though it was now or never...Baby Jack would be 2 this spring, I had just turned 35 and having them all close together was important to me.  One day, I jokingly made a deal with my hubby - if it didn't happ

Blue Mountain Day Trip

  Christmas is truly one of my favourite times of year but I must admit this year just seemed a little too crazy and hectic for my likings.  I always promise myself that I'm not going to go's not about the big things right?  It's about time with family, relaxing, unwinding and re-connecting with friends, family and of course yourself - new year, new you!  Isn't that always the plan -ha!  I could have sworn I was organized this year - but then when you least want it to, life gets in the way...I think it all started with Christmas Eve falling literally one day after school was out (there was no time for anything!), then there was one illness after the other (I was seriously sick on and off for 3 weeks, as were my kids and my hubby), leaving us no choice but to cancel plans, try to re-schedule things and still manage to find some enjoyment through it all.  Don't get me wrong, there were some wonderful moments shared and memories made, but getting ba

Welcome Back

  After weeks of illness circulating our home, endless holiday celebrations and lots of quiet family time, I can't tell you how excited I am to be back at writing.  It's been a long but much needed break from blogging but I'm finally feeling ready and eager for 2017! It's officially been 1 year since I made my first entry (feeling proud).  In that time I've had the opportunity to grow as a writer (not that I'll ever be some famous author) - but more in the sense that I've learned to open up a little, write as if I am speaking (which isn't always grammatically correct -ha!) and share with my readers feelings from the heart.  I still haven't managed to narrow it down to one topic, but rather my blog has taken its own path and become a permanent diary of my life, documenting my adventures as a wife, a mom, an athlete, an artist.  It's allowed to me express myself, offer advice, share ideas and stories, provide inspiration and connect with f