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Showing posts from December, 2016

Girls Day in the Big City

  Despite how busy our lives have become, my hubby and I have always made it a priority to give each of our kids some one-on-one time with either mommy or daddy - we refer to this time together as a "date".  Hudson and Georgia in particular really appreciate this time alone with us, because it gives them the opportunity to be themselves...and as parents, we love the chance to focus 100% of our attention on each of them.  Once in while, I think it's ok to spoil your kids a little by giving them your undivided attention (especially when you have a big family).  Which is exactly what happened when I invited Georgia to the Toronto Christmas Market at the Distillery District.  I'll be completely honest, I had been looking forward to heading down and checking it out for weeks but finding the time to go on my own just wasn't possible.  Instead I did a little research online (spoke with some friends) and planned the perfect morning for Georgia and me.  The only

Magical Christmas Forest at Kortright

  What a crazy hectic week it's been!  Last minute Christmas shopping, dinner parties, recitals, holiday functions and one ginormous snow storm...but all in all it's been simply perfect!  I love this time of year and although it sometimes seems like time just flies by, I can't help but enjoy the chaos the holidays bring.  That being said, we've still managed to make plenty of time for popcorn, cuddles and endless Christmas movies.  Finding that perfect balance is key to enjoying the season.   One of the highlights of our holiday adventures this year was visiting the Kortright Centre for Conservation and taking part in their Magical Christmas Forest.  This is one of the many special events offered at Kortright.  If I remember correctly, ticket sales began in the summer and most dates sold out fairly quickly.  Unfortunately when my neighbour and I went to purchase tickets in October we only had a few nights left to choose from and even then we had to make a speci

A Future Goal...

  This week I decided to put a little summer in my winter...the idea came to me on my lunch break last week.  I was in conversation with one of the other teachers and we were reminiscing about childhood days at summer camp.  Just as the bell was about to go, we started packing up to head back to class.  Our discussion began to fade but my colleague left me with one final thought..."Wouldn't it be great if they made a summer camp for adults?"  I completely agreed with him, then suddenly it occurred to me...they do!  I turned to respond to him but it was too late, he had already left.  I quickly gathered my things and ran out the door.  I walked as quickly as I could (no running in the halls) and soon I caught up with him.  "They do have camps like that!" - I announced with overwhelming enthusiasm.  "Really?" he said. "I know they do, search on google and you'll find them!". Well, that whole experience got me thinking for the rest

My latest project...

A couple years ago a girlfriend of mine asked me if I would consider doing Christmas photos for her family and a few of our friends.  To be completely honest I was far from enthusiastic at the initial thought of taking on such a large responsibility.  Normally I would jump at the opportunity to get some practice behind the lens...but this was much different - this involved paying customers.  Even though I had become quite close with the families who were interested, I felt as though there was very little room for error.  Regardless I posted the idea within our private Facebook group and within a few days I had an overwhelming amount of interest.  It was actually quite flattering to say the least.  Finally my mindset was beginning to shift...perhaps this was going to be the start of something exciting! That's how it all here I am two years later struggling to fit everyone in.  This year I had several returning families, which always comes as a relief (I must be doin