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Showing posts from June, 2018

Happy 6th Anniversary

Happy Canada Day! So just like last year I wanted to share some photos from the summer we got married.  These photos were taken just a couple weeks after our wedding on the shores of Georgian Bay.  The photography session was referred to as a "Trash the Dress" photo shoot.  While I didn't exactly trash my dress, I did manage to get it completely covered in sand.  But a quick little shake-off the following day and it was as good as new. It was such a fun evening.  We managed to get some beautiful shots and our cousins Henry and Julia who couldn't be with us on our wedding day were able to participate in the shoot.  So many great memories and look at baby Hudson!  What a little cutie...just weeks later I became pregnant with Georgia! Photos courtesy of Tim from Happy Anniversary to the best guy I could have ever asked for...12 years together, 6

Summer is Here

Summer is finally here!  I'm very excited to spend the next couple of months at home with all the kiddies. Our summer vacation last year was a complete blur!  Being at home with 4 children, 5 and under, including a newborn baby was beyond exhausting.  They say those are the days we're going to miss most when our kids are all grown up, but I really don't remember much from last summer, except that somehow my hubby and I managed to get through it.   Anyhow, I know this year will be different.  Everyone is one year older,  3 out of 4 of them can get dressed themselves, only one of them is still in diapers, one of them can even play outside on his own, they all fight with each other but they're learning to figure things out (without coming crying to find me), naps are no longer (except for the baby who has learned to nap on the go) and I am feeling much more like myself again...which means I now have the energy to stay active and keep my family having fun. We

Missing in Action

I know I've often started my blogs by saying how busy life has been, but seriously - the past 3 weeks have been crazy!  In a good way...we've been celebrating birthdays, hosting parties, going to try-outs, end of year recitals, finishing up all the winter and spring activities while moving on to all the summer ones.  I feel like we've had a small break the past few days but starting tomorrow it's only going to get busy again and then summer will be here!  It's crazy to think how fast this year has gone but it's certainly been a good one. Here's a little life update and some photos to go along with it... Irelynn will be turning one on Canada Day.  We can hardly wait for the celebration.  Her birthday outfit arrived today and it fits perfectly...just some minor adjustments to tighten the waist.  She still fits her 3-6 month clothing from last summer! Georgia's turned 5 on June 2nd and Princess Ariel was her surprise guest. With