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Showing posts from June, 2017

Her Nursery Reveal...

    I've always been one to procrastinate but I honestly thought this nursery would never come together.  The truth is I have been meaning to get started on it for months, but the timing never seemed right.  There was always something more pressing that had to be taken care of first and as a result we never got around to it.  Until the last few weeks that is and on Saturday with only 3 days until my expected due date I finally finished it.  Thanks goodness for babies who don't arrive early - ha!   Everything was ready to bags that is.  I had decided on the theme months ago and began to purchase some of the items I needed as I came across them.  We used so much of what we already had which saved us a ton of money.  All of the furniture was already in the nursery and the only things I bought were some new linens (sheets and cover for the change table), a few décor pieces and new paints for the accent wall.   The accent wall was my big project that I wanted

What's in my Hospital Bag?

  Our hospital bags are officially packed and ready to go!  By the 4th baby I feel pretty experienced in knowing what to bring to the hospital but my mentality was and always will can never be too prepared (but you can be realistic). When it came time to packing our bags I couldn't help but envision Kate Middleton and Prince William leaving the hospital just hours after giving birth and her looking like she just stepped out of a magazine photoshoot.  I guess when you're one of the Royals it comes with the territory but come on?? ...any female who has ever given birth knows that's just not realistic!  But that's not to say you can't try to feel good about yourself after labouring (for sometimes hours!) and giving birth...especially if you want to.  For me, bringing my children into this world were 3 of the most amazing days in my whole life and I'll never forget them, plus I have about 100 photos (of each child) documenting every minute of their

Life Update

With less than a couple weeks before my official due date, here's a little up-date on life... Last weekend was so much fun but really busy and so hot!  Normally I wouldn't be complaining about the heat but when you're almost 9 months pregnant and forced to wear compression tights really start to feel the heat.  Regardless, I didn't let it slow me down.  We had dance practice to attend, soccer, swimming lessons, baseball and a piano recital (Hudson's first one - we're so proud of him!). We did get to enjoy a barbeque and swim with friends and it was honestly such a treat to have dinner prepared for us with no clean-up, plus the kiddies had a blast.  They fell asleep as soon as we got in the car to head home - a true indication of a fun-filled night. I had my last ultrasound and once again they confirmed it's girl...I guess you can never be 100% but at least I've seen it with my own eyes a few times now, so I'm feeling pretty confi

Be our Guest

Our little girl celebrated her 4th birthday last weekend surrounded by family, friends and all of her favourite treats.  We definitely lucked out in the weather department.  It was a beautiful sunny evening, which meant all the guests spent the majority of their time outdoors.  When we bought our house a few years ago we were instantly drawn in by the size of its beautiful whenever we have the opportunity to entertain outdoors, it always makes me feel so good! The Party Theme Beauty and the Beast Location and Time Our home from 5pm until approximately 8pm Menu An assortment of veggies, fruit and cheeses (set up on 3 platters - ordered from our local grocery store), Nacho dip (made by one of our dear friends), chips, popcorn, pizza, rice and pasta salads.  I really didn't have to do anything in terms of food prep, which was such a treat!  We simply pre-ordered everything in advance and picked it all up right before the party.  I'm also

My Pregnancy Workout Plan

When it comes to being pregnant and exercising I've always maintained a high level of physical activity.  This is due to the fact that for the most part I've been extremely blessed with normal, healthy pregnancies...combined with my somewhat competitive nature and determination has allowed me to continue doing the sport I love most through all four of my pregnancies - running.  That's not to say that it hasn't come without some challenges.  I've had to deal with several minor complications and even some more serious ones, but through it all the 3 things that have allowed me to stay active and motivated right to end of each pregnancy include: Listening to my body Setting goals (realistic ones) Surrounding myself with a positive network of individuals Listening to My Body I would say this is the most important one because when you're pregnant it's not just about you.  Learning to listen to your body and respond appropriately - especially