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Showing posts from July, 2019

One Bad Ass Team

The unpredictable and stormy weather we had that day is what ultimately set the perfect backdrop for the most bad ass team photo ever taken.  But you can't always anticipate the weather, so instead we had to hope for the best and thankfully that day the weather gods were on our side.  Truthfully, the weather was probably the least of our concerns.  We had such a small window of opportunity to get the shoot done in order for the finished product to be ready and sent off in time for it to be printed.  Basically everything over a period of a few days had to fall perfectly into place...and luckily it did.  The entire team was excited and ready to go that evening.  Our photographer (Tim from Timothy James Photography ) arrived just before seven as the sun was beginning to settle behind the trees.  The lighting was just right.  He tried several team photos and poses before managing to capture the perfect shot!  The funny thing is, when it happened, Tim was actually just taking p

When You Share A Country's Birthday...Part 2

Sometimes I wish I could hire a photographer for every event that we host, because most of the time I'm just too busy to be taking photos.  Thankfully my neighbour and my sister-in-law stepped in this time around and managed to capture some great shots.  But clearly we didn't think to include myself or my hubby in any of them...or half the people at the party -ha!  You guys were not forgotten though, I promise!  We loved having you all there!   So in continuation with my last blog here are the rest of the photos from Irelynn's 2nd birthday...    Have a great weekend! Katie xo

When You Share A Country's Birthday...Part 1

So far our summer holidays have been a blast!  We're at the baseball field nearly every night, but loving every minute of it.  Between summer camps, mini getaways and baseball tournaments I feel as though we haven't had any real down time.  But the weather has most definitely been on our side and it's safe to say we've been making the best of summer 2019.  Needless to say I've had no time to work on my blog, but so much to write about...starting with our Canada Day weekend. When you share a country's know you're going to have fireworks for life!  Irelynn Grace turned 2 this past Canada Day and much like last year we celebrated our little girl, our 7th wedding anniversary and quite possibly the best country in the world - CANADA (no bias there -ha!). Although we celebrated on a much smaller scale it was still quite the party!  We literally threw everything together in less than 2 days and relied on decorations from last year as muc

Our Backyard Play House...3 Years in the Making

Summer 2016... A few years ago my hubby and I started considering a backyard play structure for the kiddies to play on.  At the time we envisioned one of those assemble yourself kits that you can purchase from stores such as Costco or Home Depot.  And so the initial search began...we looked high and low for the ultimate play house.  Eventually we came to the realization that what we wanted and what we had budgeted for didn't even come close.  It was at that point we started to backtrack a little and reconsider our original plan.  Perhaps the play house would have to wait and we most definitely needed to start saving.  My mom opened an account for us and right away we started putting money into it.  For nearly one year we saved every birthday and Christmas gift the kids received from family.   Summer 2017... Fast forward a little (to the following summer) and we had finally put aside enough money to purchase something substantial.  Just in time for the warmer weather we