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Family Friendly Planning Ideas for your Long Weekend

It's finally here...the Victoria Day long weekend! - commonly referred to as the "May two-four weekend".  It also marks the unofficial start of the cottage season, where cases of beer are consumed by cottagers nation wide - hence the name "May 2-4".  At least that's what I was told growing up.  However, it seems more appropriate to call it May two-four in honour of her Royal Highness, Queen Victoria who was born May 24, 1819.  Regardless of it's name, it is a weekend that many Canadians both young and old look forward to.  Whether you are heading north to cottage country or settling for a little stay-cation in your own 'hood, here are some last minute ideas for creating a fun-filled few days with your family...

  1. Pack a Picnic Lunch - and go only as far as your own backyard.  My kids love when we have a meal outdoors.  I love when we have comfort of home nearby!
  2. Attend a Farmers Market - I can hardly wait for our local one to begin (June 4th!), in the meantime I'm hoping to head up to Orangeville with the kiddies.  Their Farmers Market is now open every Saturday from 8am to 1pm.  For more info check out this link:
  3. A Nature Hike/Scavenger Hunt - this is an activity my kids absolutely love!  It keeps them busy and active...and makes going for a family walk very exciting!
  4. Create a Summer Bucket List - with summer just around the corner, it's the perfect time to start thinking about things you and your family hope to accomplish together.
  5. Fireworks - gather your neighbours together and put on a street production or find out if your community is hosting a fireworks show.  Here is the link to Nobleton's Victoria Day Fair:
  6. Outdoor Family Movie Night - as long as the weather permits.  We don't have a projector but my laptop is large enough for movies.  The kids love to bundle up a sit outside to enjoy the show!
  7. Family Bike Ride -  I'm very excited Jackson is old enough this summer to safely ride behind the bike in the child carrier...and Hudson is well on his way to removing the training wheels!
  8. Plant a Vegetable Garden -  we started our garden indoors during the March Break and so far we have had success...the kids can hardly wait to move their plants to the outdoors!
  9. A Campfire without S'MORES!?! - Just doesn't happen in our family.  I love buying the premade kits because they are the perfect size!

Happy Long Weekend!


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