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10 Years and Counting...

Taken in 2006...just months after we met.
This past week my husband and I celebrated a major milestone in our relationship...10 years together and counting!  I'm pretty grateful I have had the opportunity to spend nearly one third of my life with this guy - and the fact that we are still genuinely happy as a couple is something I am proud of.  We have both worked very hard over the years at maintaining a happy and healthy relationship. Of course we've had our ups and downs and our fair share of arguments; throw three kids and a dog into the mix and your relationship goals can take back seat, at least, temporarily.  Spring is in air, and while it's in our nature to get organized and do some cleaning around the home, why not take some time to freshen up your relationship as well!  I can't wait to share some great ideas and "how-to's" for making this a reality!

1.  Out with the old, and in with the new - Many couples don't take the time to analyze how they spend their time together.  They get stuck doing the same things over and over again - because it's comfortable.  Finding something fun and different to do is always a good thing.  For example, my grandfather just bought a trampoline for our kids to enjoy in the backyard.  But who said mommy and daddy couldn't have some fun with it as well - without the kids!  Here are some other fun ideas:
  • Make an "Ultimate Summer Bucket List - for Couples" - that fits your lifestyle
  • Run a race together - My hubby and I are doing our first adventure race together this summer
  • Make a "date" jar
  • Make your own version of "Spin the Bottle" - if you didn't play this game growing up, it's sure to add some spark to your current relationship!
    How cute is this? - write out all your date night ideas on popsicle sticks...then, just pick one!
2.  Keep the bedroom baby free - (now there's a challenge) - I recently did a massive cleanout of our master bedroom.  I reorganized all the closets, drawers and literally purged everything we didn't need anymore.  I donated garbage bags full of clothing and sold some items too.  I found all the toys, books, kids clothes etc... and put them back in their proper storage places.  Mommy and daddy's room is not the 3rd playroom - at least, not anymore!  We have an open door policy in our home (meaning we don't allow our kids to close their bedroom doors in order to keep others out) and we always welcome them into our bedroom depending on the time of day.  That being said, we encourage them to sleep in their own rooms.  Our oldest two are well accustomed to this routine; baby Jack on the other hand, spent almost the entire year in our bed.  It's so nice to finally have our bedroom to ourselves again, more or less ---- except for the morning cuddles!  Making it a bedroom again, without all the mess and toys has encouraged my hubby and I to spend more time in there together - kid free!

3.  Write it out - When I first met my husband I used to make our lunches every night and with every lunch I included a hand made note for him to open and read during his day.  Times have changed - I'm still writing little notes but unfortunately it's not him who gets to open's our kids.  However, I've recently started leaving them for my husband again, not necessarily in his lunch (because now he makes his own!).  Something as simple as a text message telling him how great he is, always makes his day.  On my first day back at work 2 weeks ago, I got a message from him wishing me a wonderful day.  It came as a total surprise but left me feeling so lucky to have him in my life!

4.  Fight Fair - anyone who tries to tell you they don't argue with their significant other is lying in my opinion.  Let's be honest...disagreements are healthy in a relationship and it simply means that two people are individuals - with different opinions and perspectives. If these differences of opinion   happen and they will, learn how to fight fair.  Choose the right time and place...let go of little things and never argue in front of the kids.  Easier said than done, but my husband and I are always being reminded by his parents (who have been happily married for almost 35 years), agree now to disagree later.  We really try to live by this motto - and the funny thing is when the "later" arrives, you've often already worked out your differences.

5.  Take on a new job - in the home that is.  Last year we enjoyed our first summer in the new house.  In order to help my husband I decided to take on some of the bigger outdoor chores - cutting the grass was at the top of my list.  The first time was a little ridiculous...I couldn't even start the lawnmower!  Thank goodness for my neighbour who gave me some quick step by step instructions.  Just as I was finishing up I turned around and saw my husband standing on the back porch drinking his beer, smiling and staring at me.  Are you kidding me??  He was totally thinking to himself...look how hot my wife is - I was wearing my short running shorts, tall rain boots and my baseball hat (yes I had a shirt on too).  Anyhow, this wasn't the reaction I was expecting but anything works to spark a little romance.  Not only does switching it up a little (in regards to household chores), give the other partner a break, it also reminds them you really care!

6.  Take a walk down memory lane -  and take the time to look back on your memories and see how far you've come together.  The other day my hubby and I went through some old photo albums from our first couple of years of dating.  It was actually a delightful experience and at the very least it was time spent together, laughing, reminiscing and enjoying each other's company.  It actually encouraged us to start asking each other questions.  For example, I asked my husband what was the best day we ever spent together?  His answer didn't surprise me, rather it encouraged communication and the beginning of a great evening.

7.  I Do, Take 2 - Renewing our vows someday is something I've always wanted to do.  Ever since we moved into our new home we've imagined having a huge celebration in the backyard - we love entertaining!  What better day than Canada Day 2022 - our 10 year wedding anniversary!  I'm super excited the hubby is onboard with my visions for that day!  Besides the amazing celebration with family and friends, a vow renewal ceremony is the perfect way to reconnect with your partner and celebrate your love for each other - Save the date!
I found this photo on Pinterest years ago - I love it!  Someday I hope to take a similar one of our family.

My father-in-law always reminds me that the number one person in your life should be your partner.  But it's so easy to get caught up in the chaos of our daily lives - where making time to focus on your relationship is not always a priority, and before you know it you feel distant from each other.  I'm sure most couples have experienced this, especially if they have children - it's only natural to want to put your kids first.  However, kids grow up (hopefully they move out -ha!), and someday it will be just you and your partner all over again...investing in your relationship now is extremely important.  It is not about having to choose between a happy marriage and happy, secure focusing on the first, the second is likely to follow.
Us now...can't wait for the next 10 years!
Wishing you a fabulous weekend!  I can't wait to share with you images of Baby Jack's first birthday party - happening this Sunday!


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