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Family Day Weekend

Family Day 2016
We spent Family Day weekend in Wyevale, Ontario.  It's a very small community (has a population of around 1000 people), located north west of Barrie, between Elmvale and Midland.  Jordan's grandparents have lived there for as long as I have known him and we love going up there to visit them.  It's the perfect little getaway because it's so close to home...and let's be honest, driving anywhere with 3 little kids and a dog can be quite the adventure.  Jord and I were very lucky this particular trip - all 3 kids fell asleep!  We actually enjoyed about 45 minutes of adult conversation and guess what talked about...having another baby - ha!  Let's just say Jord was very happy when we arrived.  When we pulled into the driveway we got out to say hi to everyone (Jord's parents came for the weekend as well), and gave the kids a few more minutes to rest.  The problem with leaving first thing in the morning and arriving before lunch, means if the little ones fall asleep during the ride, chances are they'll be skipping their afternoon we allowed them to sleep as long as possible.  We also used this down time to unload the car and get settled in.  It really doesn't matter if you're going away for one night or an entire week, when you travel with kids you have to bring everything!  We carried in what seemed like an endless amount of luggage but we managed to finish just in-time because once the first one woke up...they all woke up and our crazy but wonderful weekend began!
Here are some snapshots from our visit to Wyevale...
Baby Jack and his Great-Papa.

Getting all bundled up to head outside and face the cold! - with Nana and Great-Nanny.

Georgia riding the "Kitty Cat".  She actually wasn't driving it on her own but she was so eager to...maybe next winter! 

Her first ride this winter with Daddy...Jord made a little track in the backyard for us to use.  The kids took turns riding their snowmobile and despite the very cold temperatures they had a blast! 

Cody wanted in on the action too but didn't last long because his paws got so cold.  Next year, I think we'll have to get him some booties because he loves being outdoors with us.

Georgia finally dressed for the winter!  This was the first time this season she put on her snow pants and scarf...she insisted on going outside without her mitts and after trying to get her dressed for 45 minutes I let her go.  It certainly wasn't long before she wanted to put them on.

Some playtime indoors.

Our Valentine's Day dinner table!

Jord's Nanny pulled out her old ski suits and we had a little fashion show!  I actually love this one and it fit!

These two monkeys got to sleep together our first night and after they fell asleep we went in to check on them...there they were cuddled together, holding hands and snoring!  Best Moment!
My little snow monkey!
I just love this snowsuit and booties!  We bought the suit from Hatley and it's been perfect for him.  It has fold over mitts and booties which were great for when he was a little younger.  Now that he's grown we let his feet stick out and put his STONZ booties on (which he is wearing in the photo).  We bought them last summer after hearing some great things about them.  I wish all my kids had them!  They are incredibly warm and never fall off!  Here is the link to where we purchased them.  Be sure to buy the liners (unfortunately they are sold separately):'s where to find the snowsuit (on sale right now!):

Hanging out with Opa.
Riding with Mommy...the whole time she was on it, all you could hear was the engine and Georgia yelling "Weeeeeeeeee!".

Baby Jack's first time!

Riding like a big boy!
Working on the machine with daddy and learning all about what makes it go!

Drinking her soup with a straw!  Best idea ever!  She loved eating it this way.  At the end she scooped out all the veggies, noodles and chicken with her spoon and didn't spill a drop.  She couldn't stop laughing every time she sucked up a noodle!

Saying goodbye!  One last picture...such a good one!
This trip packing up the car to head home was a lot easier than packing to come here.  I always try to be very organized going both ways but this time the kids were so tired!  We literally threw everything into bags after lunch, loaded them in the car and headed home.  Within minutes all 3 kids were sleeping - even the dog!  But we had one last stop.  Just up the road from where Jord's grandparents live is what some would describe as the purest drinking water in the entire world!  How crazy is that!? - right here in the little town of Elmvale, Ontario.  We learned this from Jord's Papa over the weekend and just had to try it!  The water comes from a spring located on the east side of Hwy 27.  The water is continually flowing and always open to the public.  We stopped to fill up our bottles and taste the difference!  Here's a little info if you are interested in reading more about it: 
It was the perfect way to end a wonderful weekend away!  I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Valentines and Family Day long weekend!


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