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Easter 2020

Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter in quarantine!   So Friday morning I actually made my kids dress up and do a quick photoshoot on our front porch.  Just because we're not celebrating with family this year, doesn't mean all of our traditions have to be put on hold😜 My two girls were pretty excited to wear new matching dresses, so I didn't have any issues getting them ready.  My little guy Jack loves putting gel in his hair, so he was pretty easy to convince as well.  As for my oldest, he absolutely hates getting dressed up for anything, so basically I gave him an ultimatum...extra schoolwork next week or a few pictures - and you have to smile!  He obviously went with the second choice (and he gave me the best smile ever) ha!   Despite the freezing cold temperatures that morning, we actually got some really cute record breaking time! No matter how you're celebrating this year, may you make the best of it.  C
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